Leo Heremans
Breeding Centre > Leo Heremans
The speedsters from Vorselaar
If there is one person who has sound instincts for pigeons, it is Leo Heremans from
the town of Vorselaar in Belgium. Starting in the 1980s and on to his record sales in
2013, Leo dominated short distance racing in the Kempen region, especially in the
highly competitive combines Zesverbond and Tienverbond, though he also had pigeons
that were very successful on the middle distance race. He became provincial champion
middle distance young pigeons together with Marcel Mols already in the beginning
of the 1990’s.
Great fame was achieved by Leo Heremans after Marcel became seriously ill and Leo formed a team
with Charel Ceusters. The combination Heremans-Ceusters achieved phenomenal results as off
the late 1990s, with their colony based on pigeons from Staf van de Bempt and the Hasendonckx
brothers, supplemented with pigeons from Maurice Hasendonckx and Jan Diels, and of course the
cobreeding with the famous OLYMPIADE BE01-6455003 from Gust Jansen in Beerse.
Leo and Charel became Overall Provincial Champion KBDB Antwerp no less than four
times (2001-2003-2004-2005). Everybody remembers top pigeons from this era, such as
DEN EURO, etc.
After the theft of his pigeons and two further attempted robberies in late 2006, Leo decided
to quit pigeon racing, and his complete colony of pigeons was sold in the spring of 2007,
except two pairs in BIS. Leo gifted the final three rounds of youngsters to his assistant
Hugo Vermeerbergen and son-in-law Gert. Two weeks after the sale, Leo’s wife Chris died,
and soon enough Leo answered the call of pigeon racing again.
“Lightning Bolt” BE12-6326698♂
Brother ‘Bolt’
1st Nat. Ace pigeon Short Distance Youngsters
KBDB ‘12
2nd Quievrain 2.707 b.
3rd Quievrain 1.881 b.
7th Quievrain 2.507 b.
8th Quievrain 1.701 b.
12th Quievrain 2.131 b.
15th Quievrain 1.914 b.
Brother ‘Louis’
1st Quievrain 2.589 b.
1st Quievrain 1.193 b.
1st Quievrain 656 b.
4th Quievrain 1.943 b.
14th Quievrain 2.572 b.
Grandfather to a.o.:
2nd Pont St. Maxence 583 b.
2nd Quievrain 173 b.
4th Quievrain 319 b.
8th Quievrain 249 b.
SIRE: ‘Gebroken Poot’ BE09-6269108
1st Quievrain 2.675 b.
14th Quievrain 2.165 b.
DAM: ‘Mother Bolt’ BE08-6050132
11th Prov. Bourges 2.802 b.
12th Prov. Vierzon 1.774 b.
“New Dreamer” B11-6091897 ♂
Son New Dreampair ‘Nieuwe Rossi’ x ‘Eenoogske’
Father BE15-6100739 (Nicole de Weerd):
174th Nat. Argenton 12.449 b.
213th Nat. Zone Issoudun 3.582 b.
376th Nat. Chateauroux 10.442 b.
491st Nat. Argenton 9.760 b.
SIRE: ‘Nieuwe Rossi’ BE06-6148179
1st Noyon 838 b.
1st Quievrain 779 b.
7th Quievrain 509 b.
DAM: ‘Eenoogske’ BE06-6148039
Sister ‘Donker Aske’
2nd Ace Pigeon Hafo Turnhout 2005
Descendants of ‘New Dreampair’ won a.o.:
1st Olympiad Pigeon Cat. F Youngsters Nitra ‘13
1st German Olympiad Pigeon Cat. G Yrls. Nitra ‘13
2nd Nat. Ace pigeon Germany ‘12
1st Quievrain 2.186 b.
1st Quievrain 2.143 b.
1st Hasselt 2.112 b.
1st Quievrain 2.020 b.
“Big Jan” BE12-6321683 ♂
Son ‘Jan’, BE02-6113220
1st Quievrain 1.214 b.
1st Quievrain 531 b.
1st Quievrain 341 b.
1st Quievrain 300 b.
1st Quievrain 214 b.
Grandson ‘Olympiade ‘003’, BE01-6455003
Olympiad Pigeon Short Distance Lievin 2003
2nd Nat. Ace Pigeon Short Distance KBDB 2002
1st Quievrain 390 b.
1st Noyon 193 b.
2nd Noyon 1.242 b.
2nd Quievrain 485 b.
3rd Noyon 1.322 b.
SIRE: ‘De Jan’ BE02-6113220
1st Quievrain 1.214 b.
1st Quievrain 531 b.
1st Quievrain 341 b.
1st Quievrain 300 b.
1st Quievrain 214 b.
DAM: ‘Daughter Olympiade 003’
Mother ‘Topper 016’
4th Quievrain 964 b.
10th Quievrain 2.589 b.
12th Quievrain 2.572 b.
12th Quievrain 1.749 b.
“Dubbel Safierke” BE11-6333518 ♀
Sister ‘Dubbel Aske’
1st Ace pigeon Short Distance Youngsters
Union Antwerp 2008
27th National Argenton 25.583 b.
28th Provincial Salbris 2.269 b.
Mother BE16-6140511 (Nicole de Weerd)
12th Gien 480 b.
12th Melun 260 b.
13rd Quievrain 310 b.
23rd Souppes sur Loing 848 b.
310th Prov. Gien 5.470 b.
SIRE: ‘Safier’ BE07-6399396
Son ‘Olympiade 003’ (Olympiad pigeon Short
Distance Lievin 2003 & 2nd National Ace pigeon
Short distance KBDB 2002) x ‘Tongerke’
DAM: ‘Mother Dubbel Aske’
Daughter ‘De Jan’
1st Quievrain 1.214 b.
1st Quievrain 531 b.
1st Quievrain 341 b.
1st Quievrain 300 b.
1st Quievrain 214 b.
“Dica 1 ” BE12-6142109 ♀
(direct Dirk van Dijck)
Halfsister ‘Olympic Niels’
Olympiad Pigeon Cat. B Middle Distance Nitra
1st Dourdan 793 b.
3rd Etampes 1.717 b.
4th Quievrain 490 b.
4th Dourdan 385 b.
5th Dourdan 1.258 b.
5th Dourdan 1.092 b.
SIRE: ‘Di Caprio’ BE05-6045015
(direct Leo Heremans)
1st Quievrain 1.928 b.
1st Quievrain 1.580 b.
1st Quievrain 1.278 b.
3rd Quievrain 1.267 b.
3rd Quievrain 658 b.
8th Quievrain 2.622 b.
Father ‘Olympic Niels’,
Olympiad Pigeon Cat. B Middle Distance Nitra 2013
DAM: ‘Daughter Kannibaal’ BE05-6337097
Daughter ‘Kannibaal’,
1st Nat. Ace pigeon Middle Distance KBDB 1996