100% Leo Heremans
Pigeon number: BE15-6100826 ♂
Leo Heremans
100% Leo Heremans with in his pedigree almost all the Leo Heremans top pigeons.
Sire: “New Dreamer”, a marvelous cock bred direct from the renowned super pair “Nieuwe Rossi” x “Eenoogske”. Together they are the (grand) parents to 2 olympic ace pigeons for Belgium and Germany and many 1st prize winners in big competition. “New Dreamer” is already sire to BE15-6100739, one of the top racers at the loft of Nicole de Weerd, winning 174th Nat. Argenton 12.449 b., 213th Nat. Zone Issoudun 3.582 b., 376th Nat. Chateauroux 10.442 b. and 491st Nat. Argenton 9.760 b.
Dam: “Marina” is a direct daughter to big star “De Jan” which was crowned 1st,2nd and 2nd National acepigeon Ave Regina 3 years in a row! Dam to “Marina” is a full sister to “Den Euro”, phenomenal racer which won the title of 1st international acepigeon sprint in the West European Nations Cup.