100% Gaston vd Wouwer
Pigeon number: NL17- 1853227 ♀
Bred from 2 Original Gaston vd Wouwer pigeons.
Sire: B08-6364023 “Brother Bourges Raket “
Top-producer, sire to winners:
1. Pommeroeul 457b.
3. Pommeroeul 3.851b.
10.Pommeroeul 2.373b.
Full brother to super-racer “Bourges Raket”, winner
3. Nat Bourges 31.428b.
Gr.son to legendary super-producer “Kaasboer”
Dam: B16-6023119 “Nicolette”
Original Gaston vd Wouwer and niece to “Laura”, “Serena” and “Golden Nafi”, super-racers winners:
1. Nat Bourges 17.061b.
1. Nat –Z Poitiers 2.538b.
1. Prov Argenton 4.235b.